Ansaldo MIAS / MORAS Tankette

The Motomitragliatrice blindata d’assaulto (MIAS) was a prototype designed by the Italian firm Ansaldo in 1935. Optimistically described as a tankette by some, it is perhaps more accurate to call it a mobile machine gun position.

The MIAS was armed with twin Isotta-Fraschini “Scotti” 6.5 mm machine guns provided with 1,000 rounds of ammunition. The gunner was protected against rifle fire by an armored shield providing cover from the front and sides.

The rear and underside were unprotected. The vehicle was powered by a 5 hp Frera motorcycle engine which propelled the MIAS at a blistering pace of 3 mph forward and half that in reverse.

The MORAS was identical but was fitted with a 45 mm Brixia mortar with 50 rounds in place of the machine guns.

The MORAS with the mortar at full elevation. The vehicle was provided with a full set of pioneer tools.

The diminutive size of the design is apparent, even if its tactical utility is not.

The operator was provided with a hinged shield which could be raised to provide some additional protection when advancing. While there was some protection from the front, the vulnerability to flanking or indirect fire is obvious.

Perhaps this is what the designers intended, the gunner is crouched behind his guns within the armored shield. The tactical applications for the MIAS / MORAS were limited and the design was not put into production.

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