Artur Fischer.. King of Inventions


Famously dubbed the king of inventions, and quite righteously so, as he recently passed away leaving behind a legacy of 1100 patents to his name, His ever-lasting series of inventions began in 1949 and for the following six decades, he never stopped innovating and registering a record eighteen new inventions every year, until his passing on January 27, 2016, at the age of ninety-seven.


He is Artur Fischer, one of Germany’s and the whole world’s most famous inventors.  Born on New Year’s Eve of 1920, he was almost killed in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942. During the war, he was captured in Italy and sent to the POW camp in England. However, he returned to Germany in 1946 to start working as an assistant in an engineering firm and in 1948, founded his own company to embark on a life time journey of inventions.


In 1958, Artur Fischer recorded his most famous invention, which had a revolutionary economic impact in the world of construction and home renovations today. It is the famous plastic expanding screw or the S Plug (Split-) Wallplug made from plastic materials (Polyamide). Today, it is one of the most widely used parts of the construction industry around the world, and hardly any construction materials today do not utilize this wedge invented by Fischer.


Ten years before the invention of the screw, Artur Fischer invented the synchronized flash photography, thus enabling him to launch his first company in the Black Forest region, after which he registered more inventions, from the cup holder to CD box, shelves, ventilation nozzles and children’s toys, designating him a recipient of the European Patent Office award in 2014.

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