Paleontology Is Much More Than Just Finding New Fossils

Frozen in time, a 125-million-year-old mammal attacking a dinosaur . A 39-million-year-old whale, the heaviest animal that ever lived. The oldest known jellyfish…

For the First Time, Tyrannosaurus Stomach Contents Have Been Discovered

For the first time, scientists have unearthed direct proof of what a tyrannosaur —often thought of as the epitome of fearsome predators—actually ate.…

The Locations of 5 Massive Dinosaur Fossils

In 1842, the term "Dinosauria" (which translates to "terrible lizard") was coined by British anatomist and paleontologist Sir Richard Owens. The Megalosaurus was the first…

The Heist of a 130-Million-Year-Old Human Fossil

In 2016, a telephone interview with an artefact collector led me to uncover a scientific conspiracy of Biblical proportions. Professors are the high…

The Loch Ness Monster’s Evil Russian Cousin, the Brosno Dragon?

Most people are familiar with the legendary Loch Ness Monster – a mysterious cryptid said to lurk in the depth of Loch Ness…

Ancient Sea Monsters: Misidentified Fossilized Skeletons Reveal Ichthyosaur’s Hidden History

The fossilized skeletons of strange creatures—odd, beaked fish with teeth and ‘feet’—were uncovered by quarry workers in southwestern England in the early 1800’s.…

Seven Earth-Shaking Ancient Catastrophes that Transformed Human History

When studying ancient history, it's sometimes surprising humanity ever made it to the 20th century. Ancient civilizations were repeatedly hit by disasters, both…

Turkey May Have Developed Human Ancestors Nine Million Years Ago

Modern humans first left Africa and migrated to Eurasia between 60,000 and 100,000 years ago . But a fossilized skeleton with surprisingly human-like…

The Overlooked Secret to Human Evolution is “Downclimbing”

One of the watershed moments in the evolution of ‘human’ or ‘ Homo ’ history is when the first hominids descended from the…

Genetic Research Uncovers Our Human Ancestors’ Near-Extinction

Approximately one million years ago, the Earth was populated by a few hundred thousand or so ancient human ancestors. But about 900,000 years…

New Research Verifies That Humans Arrived in America 7,000 Years Earlier Than Once Believed

Matthew Robert Bennett & Sally Christine Reynolds /The Conversation When and how humans first settled in the Americas is a subject of considerable…

48,000 years ago, Neanderthal hunters were pursuing cave lions.

A international team of paleoanthropologists has just published research supposedly proving that Neanderthals were hunting and eating cave lions nearly 50,000 years ago…