Homo Erectus Mastered Oldowan and Acheulean Tools 2 Million Years Ago

While they first appeared on the lowland savannas of East Africa around two million years ago, the human ancestor Homo erectus soon expanded…

Neanderthals Hunted Elephants Twice the Weight of Modern Ones

Evidence has emerged from Germany dated to 125,000 years ago showing Neanderthals hunted elephants twice the size of contemporaneous ones. Building on that…

Argentina’s ‘Dragon of Death:’ South America’s Largest Pterosaur!

A team of paleontologists have discovered the fossilized remains of a new species of airborne reptile in the Andes Mountains of western Argentina.…

Chinese Unicorns: Harbingers of Good Omens

Updated 15 May, 2019 - 10:09 Ken Jeremiah Considering that fanciful animals, which the Chinese collectively dub pixiu ( pi hsieh ), typically…

Mass Murder, Megalithic Music, and Misconduct in Prehistoric Malta

Despite claims by experts and historians, not all of human history can be easily explained and many mysteries still remain. Just south of…

17 Out-of-Place Artifacts Said to Suggest High-Tech Prehistoric Civilizations Existed

By  Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times  According to the conventional view of history, humans have only walked the Earth in our present form for…

From Nordic Symbols to Sledgehammer Executions: Wagner’s Neo-Pagan Rituals

According to the Orthodox Eastern Church, the spirit of  Wagner  chief Yevgeny Prigozhin now ought to have embarked in heaven or hell. The…

Pterosaurs, the First Flying Dinos, Could Fly as Babies, Says Research

A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports has revealed that baby pterosaurs could most likely fly almost as soon as they…

World’s Largest Rhino Species Ever Found in Chinese Animal Graveyard

China continues to be a land of mystique and wonder, with many facets of its culture and society yet to be fully understood.…

Scientists Finally Closing in on Nessie, The Loch Ness Monster

Ever since the Irish Missionary St. Columba confronted a ‘ great serpent ’ in the River Ness in 565 AD, Loch Ness in…

13-year-old Mythical Beast Filmed in Canadian Wilderness?

Updated 6 August, 2018 - 18:55 ashley cowie Was an unknown 'humanoid creature' spotted stalking a moose in Gaspésie, Québec, Canada, or is…

Are mummified remains of unidentified creature proof of the mythological Kappa?

Updated 31 May, 2014 - 14:06 aprilholloway In ancient Japanese folklore, the Kappa is a water demon that inhabits rivers and lakes and…