EXCLUSIVE: Inside Cardi B's Unfiltered Daily Routine on TikTok! What Goes on Behind the Scenes? Read more: https://buff.ly/3WUUbb3

Cardi B, the chart-topping rapper and mother, recently shared a candid glimpse into her daily routine with fans on TikTok. In a video posted on April 11, 2023, the “Invasion of Privacy” artist offered viewers an intimate look at her life beyond the glitz and glamour of the music industry.

In the video, Cardi B introduces herself to her followers with a warm greeting, setting the stage for a revealing portrayal of her daily activities. She emphasizes her desire to connect with fans on a more personal level, giving them insight into what a typical day looks like for her as a “regular person.”


As the day begins, Cardi B starts by checking her phone before even getting out of bed. She shares this relatable habit with her audience, highlighting the importance of staying connected in the digital age. Afterward, she goes through her morning routine, including brushing her teeth and taking a hot shower, all while trying to get ready before her children wake up.

Once her children are awake, Cardi B shifts her focus to family time. In the video, viewers catch glimpses of her interacting with her kids, engaging in playtime, and preparing lunch for them. Despite her busy schedule, Cardi B prioritizes quality time with her children, showcasing her commitment to motherhood alongside her career.

Cardi B was seen taking care of her children and working out in a recent video (@iamcardib/Instagram)

After attending to her family, Cardi B dedicates time to her own well-being by hitting the gym for a rigorous workout session. She emphasizes the importance of exercise in her life, describing her daily two-hour routine as a key component of her overall fitness regimen. Through her dedication to fitness, Cardi B inspires fans to prioritize their health and self-care.

As the day progresses, Cardi B transitions to her work mode, heading to the studio to channel her creativity into her music. With a glass of red wine in hand, she immerses herself in the creative process, drawing inspiration from her everyday experiences and interactions. Through her work ethic and passion for music, Cardi B showcases her unwavering dedication to her craft.


In sharing her daily routine on TikTok, Cardi B offers fans a rare glimpse into her life beyond the spotlight. From her morning rituals to her family time, fitness routine, and creative endeavors, Cardi B’s video provides a candid and relatable portrayal of the woman behind the music. Through her openness and authenticity, Cardi B invites fans to join her on this journey, fostering a deeper connection and understanding between artist and audience.

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