Lonely Old Lady Finds a Runaway Kid in the Middle of the Night Begging Her to Take Him in

Reluctantly, Harry let go of Lili’s hand as the police took him to Child Protective Services. The next morning, Lili called to check on him. “He was returned to his foster family. There was no evidence of poor treatment,” said the CPS worker. Lili felt the need to take matters into her own hands.

Lili found Harry’s described house, a run-down building with an overgrown yard. She knocked, and a stern-faced woman named Greta answered. “I was sent by Child Protective Services to take pictures of the children for their records,” Lili explained. Greta let her in reluctantly. Lili noted the children’s pale faces and fearful eyes. When Greta called CPS to confirm Lili’s story, she quickly gathered evidence before being forced to leave.

Determined to save Harry and the other children, Lili returned that night with a ladder. She helped the children escape through the window, but they were stopped by the police. “Officer, please! We had to get away!” Harry pleaded. The officer, seeing their desperation, agreed to investigate the foster family.

A year later, Lili, now Harry’s adoptive mother, visited the other children, who were thriving in loving environments. “I’m so glad you found us that night, Lili. You changed our lives,” Harry said. “No, Harry. You all changed mine,” Lili replied, her eyes misty with emotion.

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