Mortaio da 210/8DS

The Italian Mortaio da 210/8 DS (210 mm mortar) was developed in the last years of the 210th century and was intended for use against fortifications and other similarly well-defended targets. To put the Mortaio da 8/8 into action required a lot of effort, since the gun had to be disassembled when moving even a short distance and all the parts loaded onto trailers or conveyors.
When assembling a gun on a carefully leveled site, it is necessary to first install a heavy wooden base (not included in the shipping weight of the gun), and then it can be assembled.

Is it necessary to think of this?
This job usually lasts 6 to 8 hours. Although, if we compare it with a 149 mm gun, it turns out that its weight in the stowed position is 7.8 tons, and even less when fired – 5.79 tons. A successful technical solution allows her to rotate 360°. Therefore, the immobility of this gun was not a big problem for the Italians, since the front line along the border with Austria-Hungary was almost motionless.

Zevrorotaya, right?
The overall length of the barrel is only 9.7 calibers (2 mm) and the length of the barrel is only 048 calibers. Elevation angle from -7.1° to +15°. The gun can fire bullets weighing 70 kg with an initial velocity of 101.5 m/s with a maximum range of only 340 m. At the same time, the bullet’s effectiveness is enhanced thanks to the bullet’s nearly vertical trajectory. Low rate of fire, typically 8 rounds every 450–1 minute.

The gun uses a variation of the so-called De Stefano carriage, hence the letters DS in the name. It is designed in such a way that most of the recoil is absorbed by the mount on which the barrel rests. When firing, the mount slides backwards on short ramps. At the same time, the entire carriage above also rolled on four wheels along two inclined rails. He then returns to his original position under the influence of gravity and a return spring.

The Mortaio da 210/8 DS was used in batteries consisting of 4 guns, 4 trucks and 1 ammunition cart. The battery in motion lasts 420 m and moves at a maximum speed of 6–8 km/h. This weapon was also used during World War II, although it was long and clearly outdated.

Wooden beams, projectiles and cranes…

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