Why making a cup of tea in a British Tank isn’t all that silly?

Perhaps even more so than the queen, dry humor, and flavorless foods, Brits love their tea. There’s nothing more stereotypically British than tea.…

Autopsy of a German tank killed in World War I combat

Germany only produced one kind of tank in World War I, and only one example of it still survives. Recently, Australian historians worked…

Germany’s Puma is a 40-ton death machine.

Germany introduced the world to the concept of blitzkrieg . One of the key elements to this strategy is to have a force…

More Planes were Destroyed in WW2 than Currently Exist on Earth Today

During the tumultuous years of World War II , the skies witnessed a staggering number of aircraft engaged in combat, training exercises, and…

If We Held a Minute of Silence for Every Victim of the Holocaust, the World Would Be Silent for 11.5 Years

The Holocaust remains one of the most devastating tragedies in human history, particularly for European Jewry. The sheer magnitude of the loss is…

During World War I, the French Built a “Fake Paris”

In a clever ploy during World War I , the French government devised a plan to deceive the German air force. Engineers were…

One French tank slaughtered a German Panzer company

While France fell quickly to Germany after the invasion of Belgium in 1940, there were pockets of troops that proved French technology and…

G-CANS: Tokyo Storm Water System

Here is something truly enormous, worthy of Japanese crazed super-scale imagination – vast caverns and otherworldly columns (looking like some kind of a…

Cincinnati’s Abandoned Subway

Over in America, there are decaying underground spaces on a huge scale, as well. This Cincinnati Transit site documents all the structures and stations of…

The Amazing Lighthouse of Henry Winstanley

Lighthouse design is all about visibility. These small towers act as beacons for ships at night, alerting captains to various landforms and aiding…