World’s Earliest Known Woman ‘Zlatý Kůň’ Has Her Face Reconstructed!

Updated 2 August, 2023 - 14:58 Sahir Over 70 years after her severed skull was first discovered buried deep within a cave in…

A Vast New Database of Prehistoric Sites Revolutionizes Our Understanding of Human History

Updated 11 August, 2023 - 15:00 Gary Manners In another step towards unraveling the intricate tapestry of human history, a huge database of…

Climate change was the matchmaker between Denisovans and Neanderthals.

It has been 5 years since the unearthing of Denny , a 90,000-year-old fossil specimen that had a Denisovan father and a Neanderthal…


The American artist was a hugely influential black and white photographer. Here are some lessons you can learn from her work! Francesca Woodman…

Flores Hobbits May Have Floated to the Island on Leaf Nests

While Frodo in Tolkien’s Middle Earth ventured very far to destroy a magic ring and Gollum was a good swimmer, real-life ‘hobbit’ ancestors…

In the Atacama Desert, Hunter-Gatherers Turned to Brutal Violence

Updated 21 September, 2023 - 22:58 Sahir A couple of years ago, a study alluded to Neolithic farmers in Chile’s Atacama Desert engaging…

This Recently Found Dinosaur Is The Mysterious T. Rex Family’s Missing Piece

Everything you need to know about the monumental discovery of Timurlengia euotica, the terrifying missing link in the T. rex family. An artist’s…

Animal Carcass Resembling a Dinosaur Found with Seemingly Unharmed Flesh

The mysterious creature was discovered in an abandoned electrical substation, with its flesh still intact. Express News The mysterious carcass unearthed in India.…

World’s Largest Dinosaur Footprint Discovered In Mongolia

DON EMMERT/AFP/Getty Images We know that some dinosaurs were massive, and a recent discovery in the Gobi desert illustrates just how big “big”…

Meet The ‘Reaper Of Death,’ Tyrannosaurus Rex’s Older Cousin That Was Discovered In Canada

Thanatotheristes degrootorum, "Reaper of Death" in Greek, is a tyrannosaur that lived about 79 million years ago, which pushes the tyrannosaur family's history…