75-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Soft Tissue Suggests Ancient Organic Preservation May Be Common

During the process of fossilization, all organic compounds--such as those that make up cells and tissues—disappear, leaving behind remains composed strictly of mineral.…

Pterosaurs, the First Flying Dinos, Could Fly as Babies, Says Research

A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports has revealed that baby pterosaurs could most likely fly almost as soon as they…

Scientists Finally Closing in on Nessie, The Loch Ness Monster

Ever since the Irish Missionary St. Columba confronted a ‘ great serpent ’ in the River Ness in 565 AD, Loch Ness in…

How Did Dinosaur Droppings Cause a Dung Rush?

Updated 23 May, 2023 - 22:56 Cecilia Bogaard Coprolite, also known as prehistoric poo, has been highly prized since its discovery in the…

Tyrannosaurus Rex Hunted in Packs and There Were Billions of Them!

As the most ferocious dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus rex once prowled the lands that now comprise North America with impunity. And if the conclusions of…

Amber encases a flea infested with bubonic plague-type germs 20 million years ago.

Updated 30 September, 2015 - 14:42 Mark Miller Closely related ancestors of the bacteria that cause the bubonic plague may be millions of…

Why Dinosaurs Extinction didn’t affect other species similarly?

Updated 26 July, 2013 - 04:55 johnblack We all know that dinosaurs do not exist anymore and we are familiar with the theory…

Battle Of The Pterosaurs! Britain vs China In Dinosaur Wrangle

Updated 30 September, 2020 - 00:41 ashley cowie The word “pterosaur” translates to “winged lizard” and these creatures existed during most of the…

66-Million-year-old Deathbed Linked to Dinosaur-Annihilating Meteor

Fossilized fish piled one atop another, suggesting that they were flung ashore and died stranded together on a sand bar after the wave…

Did Elusive Dark Matter Trigger Global Mass Extinctions and Doom the Dinosaurs?

Updated 28 March, 2015 - 03:04 lizleafloor Associations between unseen forces in space and terrific cataclysms on Earth are being made by scientists…

Largest-ever Australian Pterosaur Reconstructed In Amazing New Study

A gigantic prehistoric jawbone recovered near the small Australian outback town of Richmond in Northwest Queensland belonged to a previously undiscovered type of…

The Amazing Ways Tanystropheus Dinosaurs Used Their Long Necks to Live

Since the first fossils of a reptile species called Tanystropheus were discovered in 1852, paleontologists have been attempting to discern how and where…