EA-6B Prowler: The Warplane the Marines Wish They Never Retired?

Meet the EA-6B Prowler: On March 14, 2019, the United States Marine Corps' last EA-6B Prowler made its final fight . It wasn't over…

Russia’s Su-35 vs. America’s Stealth F-35: Who Wins in a Fight?

Key point:  Russia's Su-35 is a pretty good plane and would fight well. Russia’s Su-35 fighter certainly has western defense outlets buzzing--and for…

The Su-34 Fullback: Russia’s Ultimate Strike Aircraft?

The Fullback, which is powered by a pair of 27,500lbs Saturn AL-31F turbofans and can carry about 17,600lbs of ordnance on twelve hardpoints.…

For the first time, the US Navy’s most modern aircraft carrier deploys.

CNN  —  The US Navy’s newest and most advanced aircraft carrier left on its first deployment Tuesday from Norfolk, Virginia, designed to put…