The Origin of the “V” and “F” Sounds in the Neolithic Overbite Revolution

At the dawn of the Neolithic revolution , which occurred around 10,000 years ago, humans began eating less raw wild foods and more…

An ancient Homo naledi child’s skeleton was discovered in Rising Star Cave.

A team of South African and American archaeologists exploring the Rising Star cave system in central South Africa discovered something that seems quite…

Paranthropus “Nutcracker” Teeth Theory Debunked in New Study

Living approximately between 2.6 million years ago and 0.6 million years ago, the  Paranthropus  genus is closely related to our genus,  Homo sapiens…

Skeleton of an Archaic Homo naledi Child Found in Rising Star Cave

A team of South African and American archaeologists exploring the Rising Star cave system in central South Africa discovered something that seems quite…

Neanderthal Diet Was Carnivorous, Shows Study of Tooth Enamel

A team of scientists from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), in collaboration with colleagues from several scientific institutions in Germany,…