Imperial Japan’s Type 3 Machine Gun: America’s Worst Nightmare or Paper Tiger?

One of the most infantry-heavy armies of World War II was the Imperial Japanese Army. Although the country itself is today synonymous with…

Zapad-81: The largest “landslide” exercise in history

In 1981, the largest military exercise in human history was held in the Baltic region called "Zapad-81". Even during 8 days of Soviet…

Da Vinci’s Deadly Designs: The Wildest Weapons of the Renaissance Man

Although Leonardo da Vinci is predominantly remembered as a great artist, he was also a remarkable scientist and inventor. Many of his inventions…

Russia’s Su-35 vs. America’s Stealth F-35: Who Wins in a Fight?

Key point:  Russia's Su-35 is a pretty good plane and would fight well. Russia’s Su-35 fighter certainly has western defense outlets buzzing--and for…