Zapad-81: The largest “landslide” exercise in history

In 1981, the largest military exercise in human history was held in the Baltic region called “Zapad-81”. Even during 8 days of Soviet exercises, all NATO countries were in a state of combat readiness, for fear of the Soviet Union “accidentally” leveling Europe. On September 14, 1981, the Ministry of Soviet diplomacy invited observers from NATO countries to watch the Zapad-81 military exercises . To make this exercise more realistic and deterrent, the Soviet leadership requested that this exercise be as realistic as possible, with the best visual impact. “a feeling of fear” in this exercise, the Soviet Union used real weapons, and restored military exercise sites as much as possible. Not only that, in this exercise the Soviet Union also mobilized all main forces in the army to participate. Exercise Zapad-81 was under the full command of Marshal Uskinov, Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union. .

Immediately after the means and equipment of the exercise were announced, the commanders of the countries panicked and could not take their eyes off the developments of the exercise. According to the exercise plan, the Soviet army was divided into 6 directions of attack. justice towards NATO’s defense. At the beginning of the exercise, the Soviet army and friendly forces of the Warsaw Pact conducted a nuclear attack and bombardment on a simulated target of NATO lines in West Germany. Soviet tanks The Soviets quickly tore through NATO’s defense lines in West Germany with very little loss. The main Soviet troops advanced westward under the support of strategic rockets and artillery. Under the pressure of the attack, West Germany quickly “lost”. After that, the Soviet Guard Tank Army also defeated the enemy’s simulated tanks and quickly entered English Channel area. What terrifies observers of NATO countries the most is the powerful naval power of the Soviet Union. In combined operations at sea, on land, in the air and by air landing, bombers and submarines The Soviet surface was perfectly coordinated, and the exercise targets were completely incapable of fighting back. This also surprised many observers. On the eighth day of the exercise, Soviet tanks preemptively attacked Dunkirk, which simulated France as the eastern part of Poland. After a fierce and short fight, under intense fire from the Soviets, the defenders were beaten to a pulp and the pier was quickly controlled by Soviet troops. Then the coast defense force and Soviet air defense also quickly approached, arranged and deployed the battlefield, completely cutting off the ability of American troops to reinforce from the English Channel.

After watching this exercise, observers from many The country was extremely disappointed that under the onslaught of the Soviet Union, European NATO forces were unable to fight back. Therefore, in such circumstances, if they want to fight the Soviet Union, NATO members can only put all their hopes in the United States. Furthermore, in this exercise the Soviet Union has only deployed a part of its military. that was able to achieve such an effect, this directly caused all countries intending to oppose the Soviet Union to think again. After watching this extremely shocking exercise, the leaders of several countries The West has expressed concern. Unfortunately for NATO members, the Soviet Union was very close to Western Europe and even more unfortunately, NATO members in Western Europe were very far from the United States. However, while all NATO members were still sinking During the “great terror” brought by the Soviet Union, China’s North China exercise also began. In this exercise, the PLA’s exercise was set up to simulate the Army’s surprise attack. Green enters China. The attacker also used nuclear weapons and long-range aviation to attack important targets in China. Based on this premise, in the face of the enemy’s ferocity, the Red faction represents China. quickly organized a campaign and launched a counterattack to crush the Green faction’s invasion intentions.

All countries in the world are speculating about China’s intentions for this military exercise. Therefore, many people felt that China’s actions were essentially a response to the deterrence of the Soviet military exercises. The Soviet Union kept an eye on China’s actions and deployed a large number of forces. military forces on the Sino-Soviet border, posing a huge threat to China’s territorial security. Therefore, in such a situation, it is difficult for people not to associate China’s North China exercises with the Soviet Union’s “Zapad-81” exercises. To be exact, the Chinese exercises The exercise had been planned since 1980 and the exercise actually held in the fall of 1981 was just a coincidence with the Soviet military exercise. Until now, the exercise was The Soviet Union’s Zapad-81 is still considered the world’s largest military exercise. The exercise is also considered a warning to the US and the West, in diplomatic and military matters. Photo source: QQ. The Soviet army showed off its strength in a “landslide” exercise in 1981. Source: TASS.


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